LinuxCare and VA Linux Win Multiple Awards in Best Of the Millennium Awards
Joinux Team -
January 15, 2000
LinuxCare and VA Linux have won multiple awards in the Best Of the Millennium Awards, with Linuxcare being named the best overall Linux company. The Linux(R) Show!! is hosting the awards at the upcoming LinuxWorld Expo, which will feature a pavilion showcasing products from various Linux community vendors. GeekCast.Com Network has recently acquired The Linux(R) Show!!
and is building a new broadcast facility in Aurora, Illinois. The Linux(R) Show!! is the flagship show of GeekCast and is the longest running and most popular Linux-focused webcast in the United States. LinuxWorld Conference & Expo is taking place in New York City from February 1st to 4th, 2000, and will focus on developing, integrating, and running a business on the Linux OS. The event is designed for professionals in various industries and includes seven conference tracks, 14 tutorials, and over 40 conference sessions. is hosting the expo floor and features a pavilion showcasing products from various Linux community vendors.