VA Linux Systems Introduces SourceForge CompileFarm and Other New Features

VA Linux Systems, Inc. has introduced SourceForge CompileFarm, a new service that allows Open Source developers to build and test applications on multiple versions of Linux and BSD operating systems over the Internet. Other new features on SourceForge include the SourceForge Patch Manager and Support Manager, two Web-based tools that make it easy for project administrators to manage code submissions and support requests. The SourceForge CompileFarm is designed to make it easier for developers to reach a wider user base with less effort, saving both developers and end users the effort of manually testing and tailoring programs to work with each distribution. The SourceForge Patch Manager and Support Manager are Web-based project administration tools that help developers avoid losing or misdirecting patches sent via email and allow users to submit support requests for their individual projects. VA Linux Systems is a recognized leader in advancing Linux and Open Source solutions, providing a single point of contact for Linux systems, Open Source software, and world-class professional services and support.