OpenClassroom Signs First Support Contract with School

OpenClassroom, a free and easy-to-use open source software package for the educational market, has signed its first support contract with Yorktown High School in Arlington, Virginia. The agreement will provide support options to help schools configure the system and exchange information between students and teachers. OpenClassroom aims to bring the power of choice to educational institutions through a simple package with clear manuals. This agreement is expected to extend OpenClassroom's lead in the educational software industry. Schools save money by installing as many copies of the software as they need without paying annual license fees or per-user charges. The open source community and its resources are harnessed to address the challenges faced by educational institutions, such as the relentlessly escalating costs of keeping ICT up to date in the face of ever-dwindling educational budgets and ever-growing student populations. OpenClassroom is a high-tech start-up based in Miami, Florida and Munich, Germany that brings the power of open source software to the educational arena. The company was founded in 1999 by two veteran telecom and internet experts and is privately held. Investor inquiries are welcome.