IBM Pre-loads Red Hat Linux 6.2 on Netfinity Servers

IBM has announced that it will pre-load Red Hat Linux 6.2 on its Netfinity Servers, which are tested, certified and supported to run Red Hat Linux. This OEM partnership reflects the growing momentum and widespread industry adoption of Red Hat Linux, allowing IBM the added flexibility to meet customer needs and specifications by offering Red Hat Linux either bundled with, or pre-installed on Netfinity.

The partnership leverages established technology and support agreements between both companies. In January, Red Hat began licensing and distributing IBM's Java Runtime engine, Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java Technology Edition with the Red Hat Linux Operating Systems (OS) Enterprise Edition. Red Hat also provides worldwide support contact for users of the IBM Java Technology and level three support for the hardware partnership announced today. International Data Corp. (IDC) research states that paid Linux shipments grew faster than any other server operating system over the past two years, with Linux servers firmly embedded in the Internet infrastructure. Research firm NetCraft, Inc. states that 29 percent of all public Web servers also run on Linux, making Linux the most popular operating system for public Web sites.