Linux NetworX Names Stephen Hill Vice President of Business Development

Linux NetworX Inc., a recently-formed provider of large-scale clustered computer solutions for Internet, industry and research fields, named Stephen Hill vice president of business development. As an attorney in Salt Lake City, Hill acted as one of the lead council for Utah-based Caldera Systems, Inc. in its antitrust lawsuit win over Microsoft Corp. Linux NetworX will continue hiring additional team members like Hill to boost the company's knowledge and expertise as it gathers investment funding and forms strategic business partnerships. Stephen Hill will manage future company growth and legal affairs for Linux NetworX. His primary focus will involve helping the company develop business partnerships and to gather investment funding. Linux NetworX uses the Linux operating system to create a cost-effective alternative to the 'super computer'. The Linux operating system is distributed freely on the Internet and allows developers to share information, code and suggestions to continuously maintain and improve the system.