Matra Datavision Provides Development Services for Samtech's Preprocessor Application

Matra Datavision has announced a new multi-million French franc contract to provide development services around its open source modeling components. The company will provide 1500 man/days of development support to Samtech, a leading European editor of analysis and numerical simulation software, for the joint development of a preprocessor for Samcef Design, the company's powerful finite element solution. Development expertise and software longevity were key to Samtech's decision. Matra Datavision will provide Platinum support, which includes incident processing and correction of disabling bugs, with direct delivery of patches. A dedicated account manager from Matra Datavision will follow the project closely to ensure timely consultation and continuous support for preprocessor development.

The Open CASCADE components can be downloaded at the site. Samtech is a software editor and service company specialized in numerical simulation for mechanical design operating through technological transfers based on home software products. As the European leader in structural analysis, Samtech offers dedicated full solutions as well as training, support, expertise, and engineering services. The company develops and commercializes SAMCEF, a finite element analysis software system. Initially oriented towards the aeronautics and space industry with a strong presence in France, Samtech has progressively extended its services and adapted its products to diversified domains such as automotive manufacturing, railways, ship building, and the mechanical and consumer goods industries. Open CASCADE is a set of established 3D modeling components from Matra Datavision dedicated to the development of trade-specific technical and scientific applications ranging from mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE to metrology and measuring machines, biomedical software, 3D geological mapping, and optical simulation. As of April 30th, over 3,500 complete versions of Open CASCADE have been downloaded worldwide.