Law Firm Installs Linux at Five Offices

The law firm Cummings, McClorey, Davis and Acho (CMDA) in Livonia MI has installed Linux at five offices, both servers and desktop's, using Red Hat Linux, Corel WordPerfect, LTSP and Linux ThinStations. The installation was done by the computer services firm Unique Systems, Inc. CMDA had been a long time user of WordPerfect for most of its office applications but also had many incompatible Microsoft and Lotus products. To update their systems for Y2K and to standardize on one set of office tools, they considered many options including Microsoft Office, WordPerfect Office for Windows and WordPerfect for Linux. The WordPerfect/Linux combination fills all existing and long term objectives. Purchase of all new equipment was not necessary and existing word processing expertise was transferred to the upgraded version of WordPerfect for Linux. Linux ThinStations, which are diskless Linux workstations, are used in combination with older terminals. The software component to the ThinStations is an OpenSource software product called the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP). With Corel's new emphasis on Linux products the Cummings, McClorey Firm felt very comfortable staying with Corel.