MontaVista Software Inc. Opens European Headquarters in Paris, France

MontaVista Software Inc., a developer of the Hard HatTM Linux operating system for embedded computers, has announced the inauguration of its European headquarters in Paris, France. The company plans to attain an anticipated headcount of 15 to 20 employees within its first 60 days of doing business and will grow to include other non-North American (ROW) sales and support activities. MontaVista has already realized a staff growth rate of almost 400% in the past two months and has exceeded all income for fiscal 1999. The company's Hard Hat Linux is based on off-the-shelf Linux kernel and software components and is 100 percent open source and royalty free. MontaVista recently announced a new real-time scheduler for Linux and is taking the lead in demonstrating that standard, off-the-shelf Linux can take the place of traditional embedded RTOS software in mission critical applications.