Linux@work: A Free Conference and Exhibition for Businesses

LogOn is hosting a one-day conference and exhibition on Linux for business on May 18th in Frankfurt, Germany. The event is free and open to all IT professionals looking to evaluate or implement Linux in their businesses. Over 400 pre-registrations have been received as of today. The full conference program can be found at

To register, simply fill out the registration form on the website and you will receive a free ticket. For more information, visit LogOn's website or contact them at +49 (0)6173 9558-50. The event is sponsored by Compaq, Connectus, Fujitsu Siemens Computers, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Informix Software, Inprise, Intel, Linuxcare, Lotus Development, Mission Critical Linux, Omnis Software, Oracle, SCO, SGI, Silicon Graphics, Sybase, SuSE and VMware. The event is also supported by the Free Software Foundation and a number of local Associations including SSLUG, KLID in Danemark, NLC in Norway, in Sweden, FLUG in Finland, OSC/Linux International in the Netherlands, April in France, Debian in UK.