ICS Releases First Bug Fixes by Open Source Community for Open Motif Everywhere

Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. (ICS) announced the immediate availability of the first upgrade to its existing Open Motif Everywhere distribution. This upgrade includes the first bug fixes generated by the Open Source Community and also includes improvements for those wishing to build their own versions of Open Motif from source code.

The errors were found in the Motif Window Manager (mwm) and in the commands (Imakefile) used to build the source code. In addition to these bug fixes, the ICS upgrade provides the SRPMs used to build Open Motif. By providing SRPMs, ICS makes it possible for developers to more easily experiment and create their own customized versions.

Some system administrators prefer to compile their own object modules because of their highly tailored system environments. As part of the rollout of Open Motif to the Linux community, ICS launched a new Internet portal, the MotifZone (http://www.motifzone.net). The MotifZone is starting to fulfill its objective of being the center for continued open source development of Motif. Over 10,000 downloads of Open Motif have been delivered by The MotifZone to Open Source developers worldwide. It also is supporting an active community of over 500 developers that are daily discussing issues related to Open Motif. Open Motif Everywhere is immediately available at the MotifZone (http://www.motifzone.net) and through Linux resellers such as The Linux Mall.

The CD-ROM version includes 30 days of email installation support and has a suggested list price of $29.95 (USD). Open Motif Everywhere has been tested on the following distributions: Corel (Intel), FreeBSD (Intel), Linux PPC 2000 (PPC), Mandrake (Intel), Red Hat (Intel, Sparc, Alpha), Slackware (Intel), Storm 2000 (Intel), SuSE (Intel), and TurboLinux (Intel). In addition, Open Motif Everywhere is expected to work on other Linux distributions because of the high degree of binary compatibility between Linux systems. ICS is the current market leader in Motif graphical user interface development tools, Builder Xcessory PRO (BX PRO). In its fifth major release and representing over 100 person years of effort, BX PRO defines a level of sophistication, functionality and ease of use that is unmatched in the industry. In November of 1999, the combination of BX PRO from ICS and Code Fusion from Red Hat software was awarded the Editor's Choice award by the leading Linux magazine, The Linux Journal, for the Best New Application for Software Development. Commenting on the importance of this alliance, The Linux Journal described the software as '...the first Visual C/C++ equivalent for Linux.'