TurboLinux Launches High-Performance 64-Bit OS for Alpha Systems

TurboLinux, Inc., a high-performance Linux company, has announced the release of its new TurboLinux Operating System (OS) for Compaq Computer Corporation's Alpha systems. The OS is a 64-bit Linux OS designed and built for compute-intensive tasks, supporting all major Alpha BIOS, very large files, and is tuned for floating-point calculations. It is significantly faster than competing 32-bit operating systems and offers solutions for the financial industry, ISPs, large production houses, and movie studios. The OS has a fast and easy installation, includes 60 days of free installation support, and is available through the TurboLinux Web site and select resellers worldwide. The price of the OS is $49.95. System requirements include 1.5GB of hard disk space for a full install and 250MB of hard disk space for a minimal install, along with 64MB of RAM. TurboLinux, Inc. is a market leader in Linux software clustering solutions and internationalization, with investment backing from more than 20 global computer companies.