Penguin Computing Launches New Web Site for Customizable Linux Systems

Penguin Computing Inc., a leading provider of reliable Linux systems for Internet serving, has demonstrated its technological leadership and commitment to customer service with its new Web site. The site features RAPTORTM, a sophisticated configure-to-order system that makes it easy to customize servers and workstations online.

The RAPTOR (Rapid configure-TO-ordeR) system allows purchasers to specify the comprehensive hardware, software and storage configurations that allow them to excel in their business. Penguin Computing recognizes the desire of its customers to modify software to fit their different needs. So they designed their new Web site to give customers what no one else does. The site is tightly integrated with Penguin Computing's IT infrastructure and runs on Linux. It also features easier navigation and fresh graphics, as well as expanded information about the company, its products, partners and customers. The new site also includes a 'smart' configurator that prevents customers from ordering a system with components and features that won't work together. Penguin Computing is one of the first companies in the United States to run the multimodule ERP application on Linux. The company, under a special agreement with SAP, also is allowed to run SAP software on Penguin Computing enterprise class servers.