MieTerra Launches APPS.KDE.com for KDE Applications

MieTerra LLC, a leading company specializing in KDE support and development, has launched APPS.KDE.com, a website for announcing new KDE applications and finding suitable ones. The site complements KDE.com, which serves users and developers of KDE. KDE is an open source project that serves as the de facto standard desktop for Linux. The new website offers a collection of over 500 KDE and Qt applications. MieTerra is working on other KDE-related initiatives and is developing a number of websites to promote and support KDE. KDE is a collaborative project by hundreds of developers worldwide that aims to create a sophisticated, customizable, and stable desktop environment with an intuitive user interface. The latest version, KDE 2, promises to make the Linux desktop as easy to use as Windows or Macintosh while remaining loyal to open standards and empowering developers and users with open source software.