Linux Labs Introduces New Duron 1U Rackmount Server

Linux Labs has introduced a new 1U rackmount server using AMD's Duron processor.

The server is preconfigured with Debian or Redhat GNU/Linux and serial console, and includes web-based system administration tools as part of the base system. The Duron 1U server packs a powerful punch in a minimum of rack space, running idle at more than 1400 Bogomips, which is significantly higher than similarly-configured AMD and Intel processors. Linux Labs has engineered and extensively tested special cooling solutions for both the K6-2 and the Duron chips for use in 1U servers.

The base unit includes 128MB of RAM; a 15GB, 7200 rpm hard drive with UDMA/66; and an industrial 200W power supply. Linux Labs also pushes the filesystem to greater performance by adopting a fast journaling filesystem. The server can rebuild a complex 40 GB file system in under 2 minutes, while a similarly-configured Linux system without such a journaling system would usually take 45 minutes to perform the same task. Linux Labs individually configures each of the units it sells to the clients' specifications and makes configuration modifications upon telephone request, with most configurations in high availability. The server is leased starting at $89 per month from Linux Labs' Tier I colocation facility in Atlanta, which includes 24/7 monitoring and bandwidth sufficient to cover the average commercial site. Linux Labs engineers are available on site to assist with configuration or programming. Linux Labs can also provide clients with the ability to perform wireless SSH/SSL administration if they desire.