The One-Stop Shop for Linux Software, a Web-based company offering software applications and utilities for the Linux operating system, officially launched today offering the widest selection of downloadable Linux programs on the Internet.

The company guarantees that all applications are the most current versions available. Users can peruse more than 5,000 Linux titles, read reviews and select the applications that best meet their needs. All titles can be downloaded for free or ordered on a custom CD-ROM for $12.95, plus shipping. The site offers a shopping cart feature, along with reviews of all applications and an estimated download time for each title. Linux titles can be found in the following categories: Business and Finance; Internet Applications; Communications; Databases; Multimedia; Networking; Games; Spreadsheets and Utilities. By the end of the year, the company will offer nearly 7,000 applications that can be downloaded for free or purchased via customized CD-ROM. For more information, call 801-222-9414, Monday-Friday, 7AM to 6PM (Mountain Standard Time) or visit www.