Open CASCADE used by French National Institute for Nuclear Safety and Protection for modeling extremely precise 3D environments

The French National Institute for Nuclear Safety and Protection (IPSN) has developed a new application called Moret Graphic Editor, which is based on Open CASCADE open source modeling components.

The application calculates extremely precise 3D environments in which the IPSN simulates neutron behavior and neutron interaction within matter to determine the effective multiplication factor characterizing the criticality of fissile media. The Open CASCADE team at Matra Datavision ensured both the original development and its evolution, as well as porting on Windows NT and Ilog Views 2.1. Open CASCADE is a leading Open Source tool for 3D modeling and is dedicated to the development of trade-specific technical and scientific applications ranging from mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE to AEC and GIS.

Certified Version 3.0 of Open CASCADE includes components for the modeling data structure, modeling algorithms, visualization, data exchange, an application framework, and foundation classes, as well as the WOK development environment. Matra Datavision is a leading international supplier of engineering solutions and services to companies looking for competitive advantage from continuous improvement of design-to-manufacturing processes. The company offers customers a comprehensive range of engineering services designed to help them implement, deploy and profit from end-to-end engineering solutions. Matra Datavision is certified ISO 9001 for the conception and deployment of engineering services.