SGI Education Services Launches New "eLearning for Linux" Program

SGI Education Services has announced the availability of its new "eLearning for Linux" program, a suite of Linux courses delivered over the Internet. The courses are based on Linux Professional Institute (LPI) exam objectives and include "Introduction to Linux", "Linux System Administration I", "Linux System Administration II", and "Linux Network Administration". These in-depth courses provide at least 25 hours of content per course, the same number of hours available in classroom-style, instructor-led courses, and prepare students to take the certification exams offered by the LPI. The online courses have e-mail, chat room, and whiteboard capabilities for drawing detailed explanations, and SGI provides immediate support through online advisors who respond to student inquiries within one working day. SGI is committed to supporting the worldwide Linux community in a variety of ways, and these online preparation courses fill a void for those who need certification but do not have the time for or access to classroom instruction.