SuSE Linux Expands Presence in French Market with New Sales and Services Office

SuSE Linux has opened a sales and services office in the Greater Paris area to expand its presence in the French market. The new office provides installation support by phone, fax, and e-mail for the French version of SuSE Linux, which has been highly successful since its debut two years ago. Additionally, SuSE Linux SARL will offer professional users a comprehensive range of technical services related to Linux and Unix. According to Vincent Thomas, responsible for SuSE Support, "SuSE Linux provides companies with a remarkably stable and inexpensive platform for database utilities, security concepts, Internet connections, and company intranets.

Over the course the project, customers can rely on the expertise of the European market leader, all the way from the collection of data right down to implementation. ", "Following the immediate enthusiastic response to SuSE Linux in France, it was clear that the establishment of a subsidiary incorporating the specific needs of French users was a top priority for SuSE Linux. ", "The French are very enthusiastic about Open Source software. The level of distribution and acceptance of Linux in France is high among both private and professional users. ", "The time has come and the market is ready for further Linux products and services.

Our presence on site will enable us to speed up this process. ", SuSE Linux AG is the international technology leader and solutions provider in Open Source operating system (OS) software. SuSE's unique expertise in Linux and their largest development team worldwide dedicated to Open Source software has contributed to the recognition of SuSE as a leader in Linux solutions. SuSE offers the largest support database to the public, and owns the largest hardware database in the Linux market. Furthermore, SuSE supports more hardware platforms than any other commercially available Linux distribution. Designed for Web and enterprise server environments and efficient as a home and office platform, SuSE's distribution, surrounding features, effective configuration and intelligent design result in the most complete Linux solution available today.