Turbolinux Demonstrates EnFuzion's Supercomputing Power by Breaking NT Passwords at Linux Business Expo

Turbolinux, Inc., a leader in high-performance Linux for Internet infrastructure solutions, is demonstrating the power of its EnFuzion software by breaking Microsoft NT passwords at product demonstrations during Linux Business Expo at Comdex in Las Vegas. EnFuzion, deployed at major sites worldwide, including global financial institutions, national laboratories, telecommunication companies, semiconductor firms, consumer goods and biotechnology companies, is a new technology based on harnessing idle CPU cycles on workstations and servers in a network to deliver supercomputing performance. Customer typically use EnFuzion to speed up applications 100 times and more to solve massive computational problems in fields such as risk management, biotechnology, semiconductor research and financial modeling without the need to buy more computers. EnFuzion runs on Linux, Windows NT and all major Unix operating systems. At Comdex in Las Vegas, Turbolinux is demonstrating the power of EnFuzion by 'cracking' five-character NT passwords in less than a minute using an application freely available on the Internet. The demonstration is run on a small network of computers in the Turbolinux booth. EnFuzion can easily scale to solve much larger computational challenges and is already deployed at customer sites running on networks of more than 1,000 computers. Turbolinux does not endorse breaking passwords on Microsoft software or any other products.