New Version of Leading C/C++ IDE for Linux and Other UNIXes Ships

The KDevelop Team has announced the release of KDevelop 1.3, a powerful and easy-to-use Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the C and C++ programming language based on KDE. The new version is designed to simplify the development process of new applications for the UNIX desktop KDE 2.0, enabling corporations to easily deploy the leading API of KDE 2.0 and ease their decision to create programs that use the newest Office and Inter-Process-Communication facilities on the UNIX desktop with the latest release of KDE.

The new development tools provided by Trolltech, such as Qt Designer and Qt Linguist, are directly supported and integrated into the development process. Additionally, the Projectfile Generator included in KDevelop allows developers to easily work on existing automake projects with KDevelop as a matter of seconds. The source packages for KDevelop 1.3 are available for free download at or at one of the many KDevelop ftp server mirrors. Some distributors choose to provide only packages of KDE 2.0 for certain versions of their distribution, preventing compiling KDevelop due to a lack of a KDE 1.1.2 installation. The binary version of KDevelop is therefore available for free download under or under the equivalent directory at one of the many KDevelop ftp server mirrors.