Sun Microsystems Distributes Eazel's Nautilus Software on GNOME 2.0 Desktop Environment

Eazel Inc., a developer of software and services to make computers easier to use, announced that Sun Microsystems will distribute Eazel's Nautilus software on the upcoming GNOME 2.0 desktop user environment for the Solaris operating environment. The combination of GNOME and Nautilus will provide Linux and Solaris users with the same, easy-to-use user environment across both platforms. In addition, Eazel and Sun will work together to improve the accessibility, internationalization and documentation of Nautilus. As part of their effort to promote the growth and adoption of a better computing environment Sun and Eazel will drive internationalization and localization of the GNOME desktop environment, create documentation that supports the GNOME environment, select StarOffice software as the default document viewer for StarOffice and Microsoft Office files in Nautilus, sponsor a section of the Eazel Web site and include Eazel in its sales and marketing training programs. The relationship between Sun and Eazel will accelerate the adoption of the Eazel Network User Environment (NUE), a new class of user environment that takes full advantage of the Internet. The NUE promises to create a new standard for ease of use by freeing users from complex and tedious system administration tasks such as system back-ups and software upgrades.