MandrakeSoft Launches Innovative Open-Source Services and Acquires Coursemetric Corp.

MandrakeSoft has announced the launch of two innovative open-source services, MandrakeExpert and MandrakeCampus, in the form of e-marketplaces focused on e-learning, courseware and other LINUX support.

The company also announced the acquisition of Coursemetric Corp., an ASP-software and information services company specialising in the provision of Web-based evaluation tools for education and training organisations. MandrakeCampus will initially provide Linux courseware and basic functionality to allow users and contributors to submit content-related remarks and suggestions. By September, it will offer full e-learning platform functionality and will be made available commercially and for free download. In particular, MandrakeCampus will provide authoring tools, allowing contributors to load their own courseware, a fully functional delivery system, including synchronous and asynchronous learning, video and audio conferencing as well as student registering management functionalities. A similar 'tipping' system as the one being introduced for MandrakeExpert will also be integrated, allowing users/students to reward teachers for their service on a spontaneous basis. allows users to submit Linux-related questions to registered experts of their choice, based on the latter's expertise and on an innovative user rating mechanism. The real novelty is that will shortly be equipped with e-commerce functionalities allowing registered Experts to indicate if they would like a 'tip' for their service and the ideal amount that they are seeking, and users to reward them if they feel that they have derived value from their answers. In a further illustration of MandrakeSoft's support for the Open-Source philosophy, registered Experts will have the option to donate their tips to Open-Source projects of their choice.