Linux Gains Ground: TNS EMNID Survey Finds One Out of Four Computer Owners Consider Installing Linux

According to a recent TNS EMNID survey, 56 percent of PC users have heard of Linux and ten percent already use it at home or at work.

This statistic indicates that Linux is second to Windows in terms of distribution. Furthermore, 23 percent of the computer users consider switching to Linux when upgrading their equipment. The main factors for computer users when deciding to switch to another operating system are stability, security, and a good price-performance ratio. Stability is considered an outstanding asset of Linux by 46 percent of its users, in contrast to only 13 percent of Windows users who regard Windows as stable. On behalf of SuSE Linux AG, TNS EMNID interviewed 5,000 individuals, ages 14 and up, regarding the level of awareness and interest in the Linux operating system compared to Windows. The survey was realized from February 23 to March 9, 2001.