Ca Linux Systems Global Services Deploys freeVSD to Manage Client Accounts

Ca Linux Systems Global Services has decided to deploy freeVSD, an advanced web-hosting platform for ISPs and other large organizations, to manage a large volume of its client accounts. The objective of freeVSD is to reduce an ISP's hardware outlay and lower the cost of support due to delegated administration. Ca Linux Systems has already put 400 domains and 1100 users onto their freeVSD servers and expects to put all their hosting clients on it in the next year. FreeVSD allows them to divide each server into many properly separate and secure virtual servers, providing true virtual services to their clients. The platform is an open source project sponsored by Idaya ltd and has been downloaded by developers and ISPs across the world. Ca Linux Systems provides a comprehensive expertise in Linux Open Source Solutions and Internet Infrastructure and guarantees 99% uptime for its clients.