Turbolinux Workstation 7.0: Easy Access to Linux for Business Users

Turbolinux, Inc., a leading developer of Linux-based software solutions for Internet and enterprise computing infrastructure, announced the availability of Turbolinux Workstation 7.0 for US-based OEMs. With a familiar look and feel of a standard GUI desktop environment, Workstation 7.0 provides business users with easy access to the tools, applications, support, and stability of Linux. The system includes e-mail, Mozilla, and PDA hot-sync capabilities, as well as optional installation of Windows95/98 in free disk space or dual-boot installation with Windows95/98. Workstation 7.0 also provides ADSL interface for high-speed network connection and extended support for various digital media including MP3 and digital video data. Turbolinux is backed by more than $95 million in investments from leading technology companies and has offices around the world.