FOSDEM: Gnustep, Mozilla, KDE, PHP and Gnome Developers Meetings Announced

The FOSDEM organization is pleased to announce that Gnustep, Mozilla, KDE, PHP and Gnome will have developers meetings during the FOSDEM meeting that will take place 16 and 17 February 2002. The goal of this GNUstep developers session is to get to know each other, exchange experience and knowledge, learn about unknown aspects of GNUstep, speak about where they are and where they want to go, and have fun.

The leading developers from these projects will attend the forum, providing a great opportunity to learn more about GNUstep right from the source. The FOSDEM organization is honored that main Free Software projects have decided to have a developers meeting during the event. Last year OSDEM was one of the favorite conferences for many opensource developers because it was created and organized by opensource developers, targeted at opensource developers, and follows open-source principles. A meeting of PHP Developer's during FOSDEM is perfect because that's what this conference is for - to support and enhance the open source movement, by increased awareness of the different open source projects, and the opportunity to have face-to-face meetings which help turn e-mails into people. The FOSDEM organization provides Free and Open Source developers and communities with the opportunity to learn and discuss the latest developments in the Free and Open Source arena and to promote the development and benefits of Free and Open Source solutions.