Vexira Antivirus for Linux: Proactive Virus Protection for Linux Servers, Workstations, and E-mail Messaging Servers

Central Command has announced the worldwide availability of VexiraTM Antivirus Linux Servers, Workstations, and Email messaging servers (Sendmail, Qmail, Postfix, Exim and SuSE). The antivirus software combines both high-speed virus scanning and innovative virus detection technology to protect against all forms of DOS, Windows, Linux, OS/2, and UNIX based viruses. Vexira Antivirus for Linux Server is a complete virus defense system designed for easy and dependable virus prevention on Linux based servers. It uses an advanced multi-platform virus inspection technology and can be configured to protect open file shares and prevent client workstations from saving, reading, writing and executing virus-infected files. Vexira Antivirus for Linux Workstation is a single packaged virus defense system designed for easy and dependable virus prevention on Linux workstations.

It utilizes a high-performance file analysis technology that accurately identifies which files may contain malicious code, requiring further investigation, and those files, which do not, a process that greatly increases virus-scanning speed. Vexira MailArmor for Linux message servers (Sendmail, Qmail, Postfix, Exim, SuSE) is a high speed e-mail virus protection application that actively defends e-mail boxes from receiving virus infected files and user's from sending virus infected files through the messaging server. It spools all inbound and outbound e-mail messages and virus scans them using the Vexira Antivirus virus scanner. Messages that are found to be virus free are immediately forwarded to the recipients and infected messages are quarantined and the sender, recipient, and mail administrator are notified. For a limited time, Vexira Antivirus for Linux is being offered at a 25% off introductory price. Licenses start at $29.97 for workstations, $262.47 for servers, and $149.95 for MailArmor.