KDE Studio Gold Adds Java Support

KDE Studio Gold is a popular IDE for C++ development under KDE that has been updated to include Java support with a variety of features to make Java programming as easy as C++ development. The new release includes Java syntax highlighting, class browsing with the Studio Class Explorer and Class Diagram tools, workspace templates for Java projects, a 'Java' project type, new sourcefile types, and support for multiple targets from a single project. KDE Studio supports complex projects composed of multiple executables, static or shared libraries, all in one centralized workspace, including support for multiple targets from a single project. The Gold release is available in two editions - Standard and Professional, both of which include all the same features and documentation, however the Professional Edition also includes Qt, KDE, libc documentation integrated into the help system. Purchasers of both the physical and electronic versions will have access to the electronic version, and will be entitled to electronic updates for the life of the product at no extra cost. A KDE Studio mailing list for customers will be available as well as support queues. You can order online and get more information at http://www.thekompany.com/products/ksg/.