LynuxWorks and Cavium Networks Achieve 1.1Gbps Encrypted IPsec Traffic on Standard Server Platform

LynuxWorks and Cavium Networks have announced a partnership that has led to demonstrations of 1.1Gbps of encrypted IPsec traffic on a standard Xeon-based, off-the-shelf server platform. The partnership will help Linux-based security appliance vendors reduce their crypto-processing hardware cost while simultaneously improving the performance of their security appliances. LynuxWorks' BlueCat operating system version 4.0, Cavium's TurboIPsec software toolkit version 1.1, and Cavium's NITROX XL Acceleration Board NPB-1220 running on 1.8 GHz single, Xeon-based Dell PowerEdge 2600 Server were used to achieve this result. The IPsec cipher suite used was 3DES+SHA-1 and packet size was 1400B.