Perforce Embraces Linux And Mac As Top-Tier Platforms For GUI-Based Development

Perforce Software has announced its first full graphical user interface (GUI), the Perforce Visual Client (P4V), for the Macintosh and Linux platforms.

This new GUI complements Perforce's existing interfaces - command line, Windows, Web, and IDE plug-ins - and means that Perforce can now support GUI-based development across multiple platforms. Combined with Perforce Proxy (P4P), which utilises a new caching technology, Perforce's fast Software Configuration Management (SCM) system is an ideal choice for cross platform, geographically distributed development programmes. Chris Seiwald, Perforce's founder and CTO said, "P4V further strengthens our ability to support the cross-platform development efforts of our users. P4V is a response to the fact that MAC OS X has become a serious development platform and that Linux is no longer an esoteric domain: mainstream development efforts require an easily accessible SCM tool.

Combined with Perforce's continued evolution as a platform for distributed development projects, P4V adds another level of flexibility and fluidity for users, no matter what the operating platform. ",