Berkeley DB Brings High Availability and Transaction Support to Python 2.3 and Z Object Database (ZODB)

Sleepycat Software has announced that Berkeley DB, the most widely deployed application-specific data management software in the world with over 200 million deployments, now ships with the latest Python Software Foundation's (PSF) Python programming language, version 2.3. The Python 2.3 Windows installer includes the Berkeley DB libraries, while the Python wrapper module has been updated to support the latest Berkeley DB 4.1 API.

Zope Corporation, home of PythonLabs, now ships the company's Z Object Database (ZODB) version 3.2 and Zope application server version 2.7 with Berkeley DB-based storages. The added transactional and high availability support that Berkeley DB provides ensures data integrity and increases system availability for data intensive applications. Python 2.3 contains an updated module, wrapping the Berkeley DB 4.1 application programming interface. This provides Python programs extensive access to Berkeley DB features. In addition, the Python 2.3 Windows installer bundles the latest version of the Berkeley DB libraries. Python 2.3 delivers 20 percent higher performance, Unicode filename support, source file encoding, universal newlines, import from zip files, improved support for new-style classes, upgraded standard modules and packages, as well as many other features. Zope's persistency is provided by the ZODB, a transparent, transactional, object-oriented database for native Python applications. By leveraging Berkeley DB's transactional facilities, the Berkeley DB storages provide extremely reliable data retention.