KD Executor: Advanced Regression Testing for Qt Applications

Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. (ICS) announced the general availability of KD Executor, an advanced regression testing harness for applications utilizing the multiplatform Qt framework from Trolltech AS. KD Executor allows developers and QA professionals to record user interactions, capture critical information for validation purposes, and automatically replay the session unattended at a later time to ensure the application continues to function correctly after any changes.

The tool works by capturing user interface events (i.e., button clicks, mouse movements, etc.) and recording them in XML-formatted files. These files can then be re-loaded later by KD Executor and used to simulate a real user. Developers are also able to specify that states of key attributes be saved for comparison between application reversions.

These saved attributes make it easy to spot expected or unexpected changes in application behavior. KD Executor runs natively on Windows, Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X. Tests developed on any of these platforms can be re-run on any other platform. This helps ensure consistent application behavior, regardless of the deployment platform. The lack of effective tools that work as well on UNIX/Linux as they do on Windows and MacOS often makes testing the "black hole" of software development projects. KD Executor offers enterprise software developers with a single tool that allows the development of test cases on any platform and the replay and validation on all target platforms. This helps ensure consistent application behavior, regardless of the deployment platform.