ICS releases Beta version of QicsTable for multi-platform applications

Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. (ICS) has released a Beta test version of QicsTable, a sophisticated grid/table GUI object that allows developers to present large tables of information using a familiar spreadsheet-like user interface paradigm.

The application runs without changes on Windows, MacOS, Linux, and UNIX based systems. QicsTable is being released for Beta testing under both the GNU Public License (GPL) and a commercial beta test license. Source code is provided under both licenses and developers will be able to build QicsTable in their development environment.

General availability of the production version is scheduled for December 15th, 2003. The Beta version of QicsTable can be downloaded from http://www.ics.com/qt . ICS also offers graphing and testing tools for Qt.

GraphPak is an object-oriented programming library that provides software developers with a set of C++ objects to easily create charts or graphs that aid in the visual presentation of technical and business data. KD Executor is a noninvasive, advanced regression testing harness for Qt that uses the actual application to record tests that can be later played back on the target computer system to verify proper operation of the application. ICS is the largest independent supplier of add-on products to the Qt multi-platform framework developed by Trolltech. Supporting the software development community since 1987, ICS also provides custom UI development services, custom UI component development, training, consulting, and project porting and implementation services.