LinuxIT's Training Courses Now Freely Available on Savannah

LinuxIT, a leading provider of IT infrastructure solutions based on Linux and Open Source, is pleased to announce that its training courses leading to Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Certification can now be freely downloaded from the Savannah development web site. The course material can be downloaded from

This initiative allows LinuxIT to extend the reach of these exams to those unable to attend a scheduled course and share its experience and investment with the community. About Savannah: The Savannah website is a central point for development, distribution, and maintenance of Free Software running on free operating systems. It supports both GNU and non-GNU projects. The GNU Savannah Project was started by Loic Dachary in 2000.

The Savannah software is itself a project based on the SourceForge-2.0 software. It provides a CVS frontend, Web space management through CVS, HTTP download area, bug tracking and mailing lists. About LinuxIT: LinuxIT (a division of Kleesh Consultants Ltd.) is one of the UK's most respected and successful independent providers of IT infrastructure solutions based on Linux and Open Source. Its software solutions are created through the integration of commercial grade software with the enterprise of Linux specialists. LinuxIT offers customers a comprehensive range of consulting, support, and certified training services.