McObject Introduces Single-Threaded, Royalty-Free eXtremeDB for Linux-Based Embedded Systems Development Projects

McObject has introduced a single-threaded, royalty-free version of its eXtremeDB in-memory database for x86 Linux, delivering a powerful and economical solution for Linux-based embedded systems development projects with streamlined database needs. The new single-threaded eXtremeDB offers the same powerful data management capabilities and unparalleled performance found in the multi-threaded version. Users can easily upgrade to take advantage of multi-threaded eXtremeDB with its Shared Memory, High Availability and XML-enabling add-ons.

The single-threaded eXtremeDB is now available for immediate download with credit card purchases through, or users can obtain the product by contacting McObject at or by calling 425 831 5964. McObject developed eXtremeDB to support the data-hungry features of next-generation set-top boxes, network switches, industrial automation and other intelligent devices. The database accelerates processing by storing and working with data in main memory, eliminating the performance overhead of disk I/O, caching and related logic. Powerful data management features include ACID-compliant transactions, a high-level data definition language, and an intuitive application programming interface (API) that catches many common coding errors before they can become expensive bugs. eXtremeDB's tiny footprint (approximately 100K) makes it a logical choice for embedded systems that must minimize RAM and CPU demands. By replacing 'homegrown' data management code, eXtremeDB delivers higher system reliability while cutting QA cycles.