Mandrakesoft Announces Improved Partner Relationships with Independent Software Vendors and Includes Third-Party Software in Mandrakelinux Retail Packs

Mandrakesoft has announced improved partner relationships with Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and the inclusion of a carefully selected collection of third-party software for the recently released Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official range of retail packs. The ISV software provided with Mandrakelinux 10.0 Official addresses areas such as support for certain Winmodems, emulators for running Windows applications, anti-virus software, games, plus many others. The majority of commercial software in Mandrakelinux retail packs are full-featured demonstration versions, enabling customers to evaluate an application without the risk of purchasing a product that doesn't answer their specific needs. Mandrakeclub members also benefit from improved relations with ISVs since RPM packages of all third-party software can be downloaded from the Mandrakeclub website. Mandrakesoft will offer periodic discounts and promotions beginning in May 2004, exclusively for Mandrakeclub members. For a listing of commercial software available in Mandrakelinux 10.0 retail packs, please see the following: