Nuxeo releases CourierCPS: a mail management solution for Collaborative Portal Server 3 (CPS)

Nuxeo has released CourierCPS, a mail management solution for Collaborative Portal Server 3 (CPS). The software module allows organizations to dematerialize the processing chain for incoming and outgoing mail. Developed in partnership with Capgemini and funded by the French Ministry of Interior, of Internal Security and Local Rights (MISILL), CourierCPS is one of the first projects dealing with administrative procedures dematerialization thoroughly built on Zope and CPS.

The goal is to provide civil servants with a reliable and user-friendly mail management service that will allow them to reply to incoming mail efficiently. This project illustrates Nuxeo's commitment to incorporating its software into the generic code base, ensuring its perenity and evolutivity. The use of open source software within process dematerialization projects helps the Electronic Administration grow faster while saving on costs. CourierCPS is an example of best practices for software components mutualization and reuse. Nuxeo is the European leader of services surrounding the open source platform Zope.