aKademy: The Future of KDE in the Spotlight

The aKademy Team has announced the schedules for the KDE Community World Summit 2004, code-named "aKademy", taking place in Ludwigsburg, Germany from August 21st to 29th. The summit promises to be a highlight of the Free Software calendar, featuring speakers from IBM, Novell, SUSE, Conectiva, Trolltech, HP and many community hackers and activists. The event will feature an impressive programme of talks, demos, tutorials, workshops, presentations, and joint coding activities spanning a record number of nine days of working on the future of KDE. The opening weekend Developer Conference will focus on issues such as accessibility, integration, multimedia and tools. The following week will see a Coding Marathon for developers running alongside an ambitious programme of 15 one-day Tutorials for KDE users and administrators, as well as KDE's first Unix Accessibility Forum and a Usability Lab. The second weekend of the summit will see the User and Administrator Conference. Presentations on everything from managing your enterprise Linux rollout with KDE Kiosktool to learning to develop for the web with KDE Web Development Suite and Quanta Plus are expected to attract visitors from business and government backgrounds pondering the ideas to be next in their move to a Linux/KDE desktop. The summit is jointly organised and run by KDE e.V., Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS), and Linux New Media AG.