SCALE 3x: Notable Open Source Speakers Announced

The Southern California Linux Expo has announced the lineup for SCALE 3x, the third annual So Cal Linux Expo. The event will feature notable Open Source speakers such as John "Maddog" Hall of Linux International, Jeff Waugh, head of the GNOME Release Team and former president of the Sydney Linux User's Group, Larry McVoy, founder of BitMover, Inc., Randy Dunlap, of OSDL, and Kevin Foreman, General Manager of the Helix Initiative at RealNetworks. SCALE 3X will be held February 12th and 13th, 2005, at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The Linux Expo of Southern California was established in 2001 with the mission to evangelize the advantages of Open Source software. The target audiences are both current and potential users of OSS such as individual computer users, educational institutions, or businesses. For more information, visit