Scalix 9.1: Delivering Desktop-Grade Productivity Over the Web on Mozilla, Firefox and Thunderbird

Scalix Corporation has released Scalix 9.1, which delivers desktop-grade productivity over the web on Mozilla 1.7, Firefox Preview Release and Thunderbird email application. The new clients are supported on all popular desktop platforms, including Linux, Windows and Mac OS. They have full interoperability with Outlook 2003 clients, allowing users uncompromised freedom of choice on the desktop. Scalix's Mozilla and Firefox support includes advanced functionality previously limited to proprietary browsers.

Features such as drop-down menus, cut-and-paste, drag-and-drop and local caching for performance all enhance productivity and are must-haves for power users of email and calendaring. Mozilla is widely acclaimed for its security, quality, advanced features and high degree of customizability. Firefox Preview Release has logged a record-breaking 5 million downloads since it was released last month and is rapidly gaining market share. Scalix believes in giving their customers choices without sacrifice, so they have made the investment to give users of Mozilla software equal footing with Internet Explorer and comparable functionality to Outlook 2003. In addition to delivering full Mozilla and Outlook 2003 support, Scalix 9.1 offers its German version, which will be demonstrated at LinuxWorld Germany this week. Users can get an evaluation copy of Scalix's email and calendaring solution by going to