ASLinux Desktop 2.0 Released by Activa Sistemas

Activa Sistemas has released ASLinux Desktop 2.0, a Linux distribution aimed at desktop PCs and any user level with PCs and Linux.

It offers a complete, stable, and intuitive environment that includes all the features demanded by end-users such as office tools, Internet, multimedia, education, games, and fun. ASLinux Desktop 2.0 is based on Debian Sarge and comes with an optimized kernel 2.4.29, XFree86 4.3.0, KDE 3.3, ALSA 1.0.8, 1.1 (with Spanish dictionaries), Mozilla Firefox 1.0, and MPlayer 1.0. The distribution offers two editions: Live CD and Official. The Live CD allows users to run ASLinux Desktop from the CD without installing it on their PC, while the Official edition comes with all the software of ASLinux Desktop 2.0 ready for a fresh installation or upgrade from version 1.0. Activa Sistemas has established a new life and support cycles policy with version 2.0, which means there will be a new version per year, and users will have access to updates and new software until one year and a half after the publication of each version. The distribution is dedicated to the memory of Pedro Garcia Gutierrez.