Lineox Enterprise Linux 4.0 x86_64 Released with Updated Packages and New Features

Lineox has released Lineox Enterprise Linux 4.0 x86_64 version which includes updated packages and new features such as Yumex graphical front-end to yum package management system. The release also includes two Always Current versions of Lineox Enterprise Linux 4.0, which are constantly updated and contain only current versions of program packages. Lineox has an automated system that builds new binary rpm packages as soon as new source code is available, with new packages usually available in less than 12 hours after source code release. The Always Current version download quotas can be purchased from Lineox's web site at Lineox founders have made Finnish localized Linux distributions ranging from the first one to the predecessor of Lineox Enterprise Linux 3.0, which reached about 70 to 90% share of Finnish Linux retail market. The release is available for free from mirrors in GaTech in the USA and Belnet in Belgium via http, ftp and rsync.