MEPISLite 3.3.2-1 rc1 Released for Testing

MEPISLite 3.3.2-1 rc1 has been uploaded to the testing subdirectory at the MEPIS Subscriber's Site. The updated MEPISLite has been synchronized to Debian Sarge and includes applications such as KDE 3.3.2, KOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Amarok, Kplayer, Skype, and a good assortment of games. Users of earlier versions of MEPISLite can get help by contacting the MEPIS forums at and Test releases are available for free download from public mirrors in the MEPIS testing directory. Final releases are available for download by MEPIS subscribers and as boxed products from the Technalign reseller network. For more information about MEPIS and MEPISLite, please contact Erin Melbert or Jenny Baker at