Major Linux Vendors Reach Major Milestone in Advancing Enterprise Adoption of Debian GNU/Linux

Major Linux vendors and non-profit organizations have released DCC 3.0, a common, standards-compliant Debian core that serves as the basis for DCC Alliance member distributions and further the commercial adoption of Debian GNU/Linux. The DCC is not a complete Linux distribution but a common core comprised of essential programs or 'packages' from Debian GNU/Linux, combined with member contributed additions to attain LSB compliance and achieve broad commercial acceptance and support. Users will install a Linux distribution from one of the DCC Alliance members. The Alliance guarantees application compatibility across these Linux distributions and provides a single certification for independent software vendors (ISVs) and independent hardware vendors (IHVs) that applies to all of the member distributions. The DCC Reference Implementation (DCCRI) is also available for testing. The DCC Alliance is an association of organizations and individuals to assemble a common, standards-based core for Debian-based Linux distributions and accelerate worldwide commercial adoption of Debian GNU/Linux.