Userful Offers Free Two-User Licenses for Linux Desktops

Calgary-based Userful Corporation announced today that for a limited time it will be giving away two-user licenses for its Desktop Multiplier software. Desktop Multiplier enables a single computer running the Linux operating system to provide multiple independent workstations to multiple users at the same time, with each user workstation comprising a keyboard, monitor and mouse. Free two-user licenses to be distributed in this promotion will enable desktop Linux users with a standard dual-head video card to add another workstation by simply plugging in a spare monitor, USB mouse and keyboard. Many people already have two monitors connected to their computer. This software gives them the ability to share this computer.

This is particularly helpful over the holliday season when friends and family are visiting from out of town. "It's like having a free computer for Christmas," says Griffin. Userful customers using Desktop Multiplier-based products consistantly report substantial total cost of ownership savings as a direct result of reducing the number computer boxes that need to be deployed and maintained. For that reason, Desktop Multiplier and Userful solutions incorporating the software have been adopted by hundreds of customers, including libraries, schools and organizations across North America. Desktop Multiplier-based products are being deployed by partners in Central and South America, Africa and Europe. Userful officially supports Desktop Multiplier on current versions of the following Linux distributions: CentOS, Debian, Fedora Core, Linspire, Mandrake, Novell Desktop Linux, RedHat Enterprise Linux WS, SuSE, Ubuntu, and Xandros. Users may opt to apply their free 2-user license to Userful's Desktop Server, which provides a complete desktop Linux distribution pre-installed with Desktop Multiplier. To obtain free two-user licenses as well and more information, visit