SCALE 4x Registration and Early Ticket Sales Now Available

Registration and early ticket sales are now available for SCALE 4x. The Southern California Linux Expo will be held on February 11-12, 2006 at the Los Angeles Airport Westin. Speakers and sponsors include IBM, Google, Scalix, Ticketmaster, NetBSD, Debian, KDE, Ubuntu, Fedora Core, Cinepaint, Knoppmyth, CACert, Linux Astronomy, Open Source Exchange Replacement Project, LTSP, X.Org, FlightGear, Wikimedia Foundation, Chris Dibona, John Terpstra, David Uhlmann, Bernard Soriano, David Mandelstam, Aaron Seigo, Matt Asay, Janinne Brunyee, RealNetworks, David Schachter, Sleepycat Software, Glen Martin, SpikeSource, Jono Bacon, Si Chen, OpenSource Strategies, Kevin McElligott, iTech Developers, Robin Rowe-Cinepaint, Jim Winstead, MySQL. The expo will offer expanded floor space, more exhibits and an increased number of tutorial sessions for users at any skill level.