LinuxForceMail Version 3.0: Comprehensive, Aggressive SMTP-Time Rules for E-Mail Hygiene

LinuxForce, Inc., a leading technology services provider specializing in the development, implementation, management and support of Linux-based systems, with a particular expertise in Debian GNU/Linux, has announced the release of LinuxForceMail version 3.0. The service is designed to block and remove as much as 99.4% of unwanted e-mail, including spam, virus, and worm attacks. According to Top Ten Reviews, spam continues to increase, with an estimated 63% increase by 2007. LinuxForceMail includes a host-based firewall, security upgrades, investigation of anomalies, continual updating of the comprehensive aggressive SMTP-time hygiene rules, continual updating of the open-source ClamAV (anti-virus) and Spamassassin (content filtering) rules, regular reporting of statistics, proactive maintenance, and support to free organizations' IT staff to focus on more pressing, mission-critical work. LinuxForceMail users such as CrafTech Computer Solutions and The Franklin Institute Science Museum have experienced the power of the solution first-hand and many others consider it indispensable.