Technalign releases Pioneer Linux operating system

Technalign, Inc. has released its new Pioneer Linux operating system to the community. The first release is the 32-bit version to be followed immediately by the 64-Bit Version.

The community edition includes many features found previously in Frontier and is available for download at the website. Both Pioneer 32 and 64 include Firefox 2.0, Thunderbird and Kmail email clients,, and many others such as K3b for CD/DVD burning. Technalign has partnered directly with Canonical and is using Kubuntu/Ubuntu as the base.

Pioneer is a derivative of Ubuntu and not a fork. The commercial versions have minor differences between the free version. Individuals may choose from either the free version or a boxed set available from the over 600 Technalign partners in the US and Canada.

The boxed set, of course, comes with support while the free version is supported via the community on the TaPioneer website. CrossOver Office is included with several of the boxed sets allowing the end-user the ability to run their favorite Windows applications. Pioneer Linux is targeted at new Linux users as well as experienced Linux users, and provides compatibility with many existing, proprietary applications, Pioneer enables migration to Linux with a minimum of effort. By running the most popular desktop Office suite, users can keep their data safe and secure, and initially not learn a new application. Pioneer EX, or Extended, will be available in the next several weeks as a beta. Plans for Pioneer on Apple G3, G4, and G5 processors is expected shortly as well. Technalign is a leading distributor and manufacturer of Linux, Linux software and CRM applications. Canonical is a global organization headquartered in Europe, with employees throughout Europe, North America, South America and Australia.