QualiPSo: A Global Quality Platform for Open Source Software Development and Use

Leading European, Brazilian and Chinese information and communications technology (ICT) players have joined forces to launch QualiPSo, a quality platform to foster the development and use of open source software to help their industries in the global race for growth. The aim of QualiPSo is to help industries and governments fuel innovation and competitiveness by providing trusted low-cost, flexible open source software components. The initiative will support the development of local ICT industries and help establish European leadership in domains such as distributed middleware.

The 20 founding members are a heavyweight group of ICT industry players, SMEs, governments, and academics. QualiPSo's launch comes at a time when major industries have experienced the power of open source software to accelerate the development of global, low-cost and reliable information systems, but are waiting for ultimate proof of trust to definitively commit to large-scale deployment. By providing the prerequisites for trust from the legal, technical, and business points of view, QualiPSo will foster open source software deployment for business competitiveness and growth in areas such as e-government, media, telecoms, manufacturing, distribution, and finance. The project is funded by the European Commission under its sixth framework program (FP6), as part of the Information Society Technologies (IST) initiative. QualiPSo's ambition is to make open source a formidable lever to strengthen Europe's competitiveness, accelerate ICT growth, and implement the i2010 policy for growth and jobs.