Technalign and Automatix Announce Availability of DataArchitect 4.0 in Automatix

Technalign, Inc. and Automatix have announced that TheKompany, producers of high-quality open source and commercial Linux software, are pleased to announce the availability of DataArchitect 4.0 in Automatix. Business applications in Automatix supports not only the Technalign Pioneer community, but also the MEPIS, Debian, Kubuntu, and Ubuntu communities. DataArchitect is a powerful tool that provides ERD capability like PowerDesigner as well as the ability to graphically reverse engineer, create and modify a database through ODBC and perform advanced SQL functions.

The development platform provides support for Linux (32 and 64 bit), Solaris, Windows, HP-UX and Mac OS X. Enterprise databases are designed with enterprise modeling tools. Data Architect solves the problem of undocumented SQL databases inexpensively. DataArchitect is packed with the features of a quality data modeling tool into a product at an accessible price.